A complete and robust production planning
Optimize your manufacturing process
Optimized process for significant gains
Major synergies in using resources
Improve your operating margins and reduce your production costs thanks to production resources and product mix optimization, while respecting your inventory constraints.

-10 to -40%
operational costs
<1 min
calculation time
3 weeks
app setup time
Frequently Asked Questions
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are business software for production scheduling. They can anticipate and predict levels of stocks and operations based on available capacities, but in many cases they fall short of offering the optimization intelligence to automate decision-making. Atoptima’s optimization modules are perfectly complementary to APS, enhancing them with decision support features. They can easily be integrated via API to your APS to provide the missing brick while guaranteeing a fluid user experience. By adopting Atoptima’s solutions, you will benefit the designation « Powered by ATOPTIMA » showcasing the uniqueness of the underlying solver and your « best-of-breed » technological approach.
In order to optimize your production scheduling, we need 3 main types of data: 1) a list of product characteristics (machine requirements, production time, etc.); 2) a list of the production facilities and their characteristics; 3) a list of production constraints (dependencies between tasks, sequencing rules, etc.).
The optimization tool can synchronize the preparation of the different flows in the warehouse by handling in synergy: time constraints (deadlines, time windows…), dependency constraints (relations between tasks, productivity shifts…), capacity constraints (inventory management, etc.), priority constraints (order of actions, urgency…) and resource constraints (staff, availability of equipment…). It also takes into account quality constraints and costs (labour, warehousing…).