Assembled Solvers
Switch to a more global approach for major productivity gains. Your operations planning should be optimized by synchronizing different levels of the decision chain to finallycombine performance, relevance and consistency. By eliminating siloed decisions, benefit from end-to-end synergy effects.

Systemic optimization: the only approach thatmeets your real field challenges
Towards a global vision
Synchronization and process optimization
Major productivity gains thanks to synergies

-25 to -60%
operational costs
<1 min
computation time
4 weeks
app setup time
Frequently Asked Questions
It is by making decisions in a systemic way rather than in a siloed and disconnected way that the greatest productivity gains can be achieved. Using a siloed approach to optimize locally is risking inefficiencies: solving only a small part of the real optimization problem can leave the situation worse for the remaining parts. In contrast, by tackling the structuring decisions with a global optimization, it is possible to create synergies between different levels of decision and to ensure consistency between short and long term visions. Learn more about systemic optimization in the supply chain!
All problems can be treated in synergy by our optimization software. There are several standard combinations: production planning and routing, delivery routing and appointment scheduling, intervention routing and personnel planning, palletization, vehicle loading and routing, allocation and order preparation, etc.
For example, for a leading retailer, Atoptima provided a decision support tool that enhances both its TMS and WMS to automate and optimize palletization, loading and routing in synergy. The design of pallets according to their grouping per route and their sequencing in the delivery routes has considerably improved the quality of the service thanks to higher filling rates and reduced journey times. The savings are 2 to 5 times greater than when these steps are treated separately.